Dear members and friends,
Your Board is looking forward to a very exciting and ambitious 2015. We have many great facilities and speakers on our schedule. We are trying to make each event a “must attend”. Our annual Conference will be back in Ocean City at the beautiful Princess Royale Oceanfront Hotel and Conference Center. Based on your feedback, it was well received by our membership.
Our website esagcs.org has been redesigned and will be the focal point of our activities. We will be posting a lot of information and photos on this site. If you have not checked out the changes, I encourage you to do so. If you do not have a username and password, please call or email Hope and she will set you up.
We are continuing the raffles of a $50 gift card at each meeting. We understand that work or family obligations come up. If you are not able to attend, please consider sending your assistant. We want to get the future of our association involved.
As was the case last year, IF your employer can’t or won’t pay for your meeting attendance or membership, PLEASE send me an email or call me. I have vendors who would be very happy to sponsor you. Your inquiries are confidential. My email is msalvio@oceancitygolfclub.com and my cell is 443-523-0244.
If there is something you would like to see, let myself or the Board know. It is YOUR association.
See you at the 2015 meetings!
Mike Salvio, CGCS
ESAGCS President