
ESAGCS Silent Auction and Crab Feast-Donations Needed!

Association Member and Industry Affiliate:

Once again summer is here with a bang and that means our
15th Annual Silent Auction and Crab Feast is fast approaching. This
year the event will continue to benefit the Believe in Tomorrow Children’s House
by the Sea, the Wounded Warriors Project, environmental initiatives, Autism
research and so much more. The date this year will be August 27th
2013 and will once again be held in conjunction with our Annual Crab Feast and
Pig Roast at the Hog Neck Golf Course in Easton, Maryland. Plan now to
participate and check in with us often at www.esagcs.org for more details.

For the families of children facing life-threatening
illnesses times are especially challenging. The cost of health care, hospitals
and prescriptions are an incredible burden. The Children’s House by the Sea on
66th Street in Ocean City, MD provides a free vacation home for these
families and 100% of our donation goes to operating the home. In 2012 we
donated to the Military House by the Bay, a Believe in Tomorrow respite home for
military families with children facing life threatening health issues. The
ESAGCS board first chose to support Believe in Tomorrow in 1998 and to date we
have donated over $150,000. That’s an amazing accomplishment and we hope to keep
it going! We were recently recognized as one of their top 30 donors at their
30th anniversary gala!

For the sixth year, the Board has unanimously elected to
support the Wounded Warriors Project. The WWP is an advocacy and support group
dedicated to assisting Americans who have been wounded fighting for our freedom.
The strength of resolve and courage of these men and women is amazing and they
deserve all that we can do for them.  We
have been a four star sponsor at their fundraiser at Chartwell Country Club for
the past three years. 

Our charitable efforts are wide reaching. This spring we
donated $5000 to the Autism Society of America. This charity helps families with
autistic children manage the difficulties that lie ahead. The board of the
ESAGCS continued it’s support of the University of Maryland as they seek to
replace the position once held by the retiring Dr. Peter Dernoeden. We will also
continue to support the efforts of the MAAGCS by sponsoring the Stewards of the
Chesapeake, Dr. Kevin Mathis and his programs, MAGI and the GCSAA in their
efforts to guide reasonable legislation and much

Our 2012 event was our best ever raising over $36,000!
Let’s beat that this year. The success of this event is up to you.
Please take action now to support our efforts. More details are in the attached
brochure. We are in need of substantial items for the silent auction, as well as
gifts and door prizes. But just as important, if you can attend, show your
support by buying the items the day of the event. It’s a great day and there are
always bargains and lots of food, fun and camaraderie as well. Thanks for your
consideration and thanks in advance for your support.  

Sincerely yours,

Joe Perry, CGCS                                                                              
Dan Rozinak

Silent Auction Co –Chairs

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