
Joint meeting with PAGCS a success

The Joint meeting between the Eastern Shore Association of
GCS and the Philadelphia Association of GCS held June 28th at White
Clay Creek Country Club at Delaware Park and hosted by Cary Bailey and his
staff seemed to be a big hit with just over one hundred in attendance, split
nearly even between the members of both associations. Those attending listened
to Steve McDonald of Turfgrass Disease Solutions and his presentation “Don’t
lose your mind or your turf.” Thanks go out to Steve for making time to speak
to the group and for making us feel better about the impending doom that is
managing golf course turfgrass in the Mid Atlantic region!

After a great lunch and a short rain delay ninety golfers
took to the rain soaked but beautifully maintained golf course for the first
ever battle on the links between the members of the ESAGCS vs. those of the
PAGCS. White Clay Creek was in great shape and everyone really enjoyed the
layout. When the “dust” settled the PAGCS came out on top with a 10 to 6
victory in the team matches. A special thanks goes out to Todd Cowing and Jon
Urbanski who put the golf program together. Better luck next year ESAGCS!

In addition to thanking Cary and his staff and the clubhouse
staff at WCC, a sincere thank you goes out to the many sponsors who stepped up
and made this meeting both affordable and enjoyable. It is great to have that
kind of support from our suppliers. Please remember them when making your
purchasing decisions! Thanks again to all who made this first ever joint
meeting a success. Be sure to attend the July meeting at the Glen Riddle Golf
Club in West Ocean City on July 26th and be sure to plan now to
attend the Annual Crab Feast and Silent Auction to be held at Hog Neck Golf
Club in Easton MD on August 23rd.

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