
July Meeting and Golf Results

 The ESAGCS was a Bear Trap Dunes in Ocean View for it’s July membership meeting.  We were pleased to have Elliot Dowling from the USGA to speak to the group on what he had been seeing in his course visits in 2014.
Winterkill and slow greenup was a major topic, coming on the heels of a very cold and prolonged winter in the region.  Elliot showed examples of this issue, much of it coming from courses north of us.  He also discussed ways we could preserve our turf from cold or play during the winter months.
We regularly post links to his updates on our website.  Check them out when you can.
Thanks to Elliot for coming to speak to us, and thanks to the staff at Bear Trap for hosting our meeting and for the hospitality!
July golf marks the last round of the ESAGCS Championship.  Here are the final results from the event:
Gross scores:
Cody Beckley     73
Nick Brandt      83
Jason Neal         83
Net Scores:
Mike Evans          72
Dan Weitzel         74
Ken Ingram         75
Closest to the pin:
#4 Grizz – Tom Tipton, 14′ 4″
#8 Grizz – Pat Riebe, 4′ 7″
#4 Kodiak – Mike Gilmore, 21′ 5″
#8 Kodiak – Mark Haschmeyer, 9′ 2″
Long Drive: Scott Reside
Gross:Cody Beckley      73-73, 146
Jim McHenry                   78-79, 157
Nick Brandt                      81-83, 164
Net:Phil Dypsky            67-75, 142
Todd Cowing                      63-83, 146
Matt Pfieler                       73-75, 148

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