
May Meeting and Golf Results

 The weather was hot and so was the competition for the 3rd annual Chesapeake Challenge held at Queenstown Golf Club in Queenstown, Maryland.  
May is the traditional time for our combined meeting with the Mid Atlantic Golf Course Superintendents.  We saw a great turnout again for the event this year.  
The ESAGCS was again victorious in keeping the championship on the shore.  A full rundown of results are below, along with the individual scores for the first round of the ESAGCS Championship. 
Thanks to the staff at Queenstown, Todd Cowing, and everyone else who pitched in to help at the event!
Eastern Shore 10
Mid Atlantic 8
Individual Results
Jim McHenry 78 9
Cody Beckley 80 8
Steve Sweiderk 82 8
John Anderes 82 8
Jason Neal 82 6
Nick Brandt 83 9
John Bryson 84 9
Dave Malasly 87 8
Kevin Smith 88 9
Chris Fronczek 92 13
Lance Ernst 96 15
Bill Reil 97 18
Tom Tipton 99 14
Thanks to everyone who came out.  See you at Rum Pointe!

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