
Nor’easter Ski Trip – Save The Date!

Hey Folks,
With the nip in the air and ski season right around the corner, The Vermont and Northeastern Superintendent Associations thought we’d send out a save the date notice for the Second Annual Nor’easter Ski Day for 2014!  In fact, Killington’s opening day is TODAY for all you die-hards out there!!
Last year’s event was a huge success with over 100 skiers attending and great snow…in fact, so much snow we unfortunately could not hold the race!  This year’s calendar shows a lot of major events in February including February vacation, so we decided to move this year’s Ski Day to January and continue to hold the event at Killington Ski Resort since they are so great to work with!  This year’s date will be Friday, January 17th which is the beginning of the long MLK weekend.
We are in the middle of finalizing details, but Killington is being gracious enough to hold discounted rates over the weekend for all those that would like to plan a family or “guys” weekend!  As soon as we get things finalized within the next couple weeks, we’ll send out all the details and the website for registering.
Until then, could the folks in charge of each of the associations please let their memberships know of the “save the date” January 17th, 2014 at Killington please?  Hopefully associations will start planning and organizing teams for the “big race”!
Any questions, please let us know!!
Andy Drohen
Agrium Advanced Technologies
Cell: (413) 531-6401
Fax: (413) 357-6412
31 Jensen Lane
Granville, MA 01034

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