

Association Objective

The purpose of this Association is to promote knowledge, experience and goodwill to all those involved in the care of golf courses, related turfgrass operations and affiliated industries.
The Association will seek to achieve this through the exchange of scientific and practical information, by promoting a positive professional image in our community, by preserving and enhancing the environment and by participating in the game of golf in a sportsmanlike and honorable manner. The Association will also interact with other regional associations and the Golf Course Superintendent’s Association of America (GCSAA) towards achieving the common goals of the industry.


Section A.1 – Name
The name of the association shall be the Eastern Shore Association of Golf Course Superintendents, a non-profit association, and shall be referred to in these by-laws as the “Association.”

Section A.2 – Location
The office and mailing address for the Association shall be determined by the Board of Directors.

Section A.3 – Fiscal Year
The Association fiscal year shall be the same as the calendar year.

Section A.1 – Officers
The officers of this association shall be the President, Vice President, Secretary/Treasurer and the Immediate Past President. With the exception of the Immediate Past President, which is not an elected office, they shall be elected at the Annual Meeting and shall serve for a period of two years. Only Class A and B members who are actively employed as golf course superintendents are eligible for election as officers. Officers ceasing employment can serve in their office for up to six months after cession of employment.

Section A.2 – Board of Directors
The Board of Directors referred to in these by-laws as “The Board”, shall consist of the President, Vice President, Secretary/Treasurer, Immediate Past President and three Directors. The officers will appoint Affiliate members to the Board. The President shall be the chief executive officer of the Board.

Section A.3 – Organization
The entire management of the Association, it’s affairs, properties and assets are vested in the elected Officers and Board of Directors to the mandates of the voting members at their Annual meeting or at any special meeting called for the purpose of acting upon the affairs of the Association.
Section A.4 – Responsibilities of the Board

The control and management of the Association and its affairs and its property shall be entrusted to the Board and the officers of the Association. All officers and a majority of the entire board of directors shall be GCSAA Class A or B members actively employed as golf course superintendents. All decisions of the Board shall be by majority vote of those officers present except where otherwise provided. These by-laws grant the Board the following authority:

A.4.1 The Board will set forth the terms and conditions upon which a person may be accepted to membership, to examine and adjudge the qualification of each applicant for membership, with the authority to accept or reject any membership application in accordance with the provisions set forth in these by-laws.

A.4.2 To hear and determine charges made against any member, the Board is hereby granted the authority to reprimand, to suspend, or to expel any member in accordance with the provisions set forth in these by-laws.

A.4.3 To appoint a nominating committee or recommend names of members to be posted as nominees for officers.

A.4.4 To determine annual dues.

A.4.5 To make or authorize the purchase of materials, services and supplies for whatever may be reasonably required in the operation of the Association.

A.4.6 To appoint delegates to various Association meetings and sub-committees of the Association.

A.4.7 To choose a successor who shall hold office for the unexpired term in the event of a vacancy of the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, or any other office or committee.

Section A.5 – Duties of the President

A.5.1 The President shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Association, performing any and all duties under these by-laws that pertain to the office of President, including general supervision and management of Association business.

A.5.2 He shall preside at all meetings of the Association and of the Board of Directors.

A.5.3 He shall call all Special Meetings of the Association and the Board of Directors.

A.5.4 With the consent and approval of the Board, he shall appoint all committees, select the chairman of each committee, and fill any vacancies in such committees by appointment. He shall be a member of all such committees.

A.5.5 He shall make annual reports to the Directors and the Association.

A.5.6 With the Secretary, he shall sign all written contracts, obligations and instruments of the Association.

A.5.7 He shall perform all other duties as may be required of him by the Board of Directors.

Section A.6 – Duties of the Vice President

A.6.1 In the absence of the President, the Vice President shall perform all of his duties and if the office of President should become vacant, the Vice President shall hold the office of President until the next election.

A.6.2 The Vice President by virtue of his office shall attend all meetings of the Board.

Section A.7 – Duties of the Secretary/Treasurer

A.7.1 The Secretary/Treasurer shall perform any and all duties under these by-laws that pertain to the office of Secretary/Treasurer.

A.7.2 He shall maintain all records of the Association and all written documents as required by the Board.

A.7.3 He shall sign or countersign all such instruments as may require his signature as an Officer of the

A.7.4 He shall have custody of the funds of the Association and shall keep full and accurate account
of receipts and disbursements in books belonging to the Association and in such depositories as maybe
designated by the Board. Details statements of the receipts and expenditures shall be provided to
the Board upon request. An annual financial report of the prior fiscal year will be prepared and
submitted to the Board by January 31 of each year. This report must be reviewed and approved prior
to submission to the Association’s accountant.

A.7.5 At the direction of the Board, he shall solicit accounting firms and present to the Board their
proposals as deemed necessary by the Board. He shall act as the Board’s liaison to the Association’s
accounting firm.

A.7.6 He shall perform all other duties that the Board of Directors shall assign to him.

Section A.8 – Duties of the Immediate Past President

A.8.1 He shall perform all duties that the Board of Directors shall assign to him. He shall serve for a
period of two years or until a new president has been elected.

Section A.9 – Duties of the Directors

A.9.1 They shall perform all duties that the Board of Directors shall assign to them.
No salary or other compensation shall be paid to any officer of the Association.

Section A.1 – Committees
The Board has the authority to create and establish temporary and permanent committees and approve funding for such committees as deemed necessary by the Board. In the event a standing committee is formed the following rules apply.

A.1.1 Each committee shall be composed of as many members as the Board may determine. Committee appointments may be for one year or less at the discretion of the Directors.

A.1.2 The Board shall provide each committee with a set of rules for members or guests with respect to specific activity for which each committee may have responsibility and with respect to the committee’s own function.

A.1.3 All committees shall report on their activities to the Board whenever requested and are at all times under the direct supervision and control of the Board, having only such authority as is specifically defined by the Board.

A.1.4 No committee shall have the right to obligate the Association in any way or in any sum in excess of the specific budgeted amount established for use for the current year by the Board of this Association.


Section A.1 – Application for Membership

A.1.1 Each applicant desiring to qualify for membership in the Association must present to the membership coordinator an application for membership on an approved form. All Class A and Class B membership applicants must submit an application for membership or evidence of membership with the Golf Course Superintendents Association of America and must maintain that membership thereafter.

A.1.2 The applicant must present with the application form, payment for annual dues.

A.1.3 Upon receiving and recording the application and payment the membership coordinator will submit application to the Board for review. The Board will then accept and classify the applicant or refuse the applicant.

Section A.2 – Classes
There shall be twelve (12) classes of membership:

Voting Members:

    • Class AA –Life Members
    • Class A – Golf Course Superintendents
    • Class A – Retired
    • Class B – Golf Course Superintendents
    • Retired*
    • Inactive*

*Based upon status when last working.

Non-Voting Members:

  • Class C – Assistant Golf Course Superintendent
  • Class E – Educator
  • Class F – Affiliate
  • Facility Outreach
  • Associate
  • Student

Section A.3 – Voting Members
The term “Voting Member” hereinafter referred to in these by-laws will apply only to Classes AA, A, A Retired, B, Retired and Inactive as listed in section A.2.

Section A.4 – Re-classification
A member who becomes eligible for another classification by change of position or meeting the requirements of another classification, may apply for re-classification to the Board of Directors.

Section B.1 – Classification of Membership
Applicants for membership shall be approved by the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors shall be the sole judge of an applicant’s qualifications for membership. The Board of Directors of the Association shall adopt Standing Rules for Membership, and shall have the authority to establish qualifications, privileges and dues for all classes of membership.

B.1.1 – Class AA – Life Members
To qualify for Life Membership, one must have retired as a golf course superintendent or assistant golf course superintendent and have been a golf course superintendent or assistant golf course superintendent member of ESAGCS for 25 years of which a minimum of 20 years has been as a golf course superintendent. A Life Member shall have all the rights and privileges of the Association except that of holding office. Class AA-Life Members will pay no membership dues.

B.1.2 – Class A – Golf Course Superintendent
To qualify for Class A Membership, an applicant shall have, at the time of application for membership, at least three (3) years’ experience as a golf course superintendent, be employed in such capacity and comply with all additional qualifications adopted by the membership. Class A Members shall have all the privileges of the Association.

B.1.3 – Class A – Retired
To qualify for Class A – Retired status, one must not be currently employed as a golf course superintendent and have a minimum of five years of service as a Class A golf course superintendent member. The years of service as a ESAGCS member when combined with the member’s age must equal or exceed 75 years. This member shall have all the privileges of the Association afforded that classification, with the exception of holding office. Class A Retired members will pay no membership dues.

B.1.4 – Class B – Golf Course Superintendent
To qualify for Class B Membership, an applicant shall have, at the time of application, less than three years’ experience as a golf course superintendent and does not meet the additional qualifications for Class A Membership. Class B members shall have all the privileges of the Association.

B.1.5 – Class C – Assistant Golf Course Superintendent
To qualify for Class C Membership, an applicant shall be, at the time of application for membership, an assistant to a golf course superintendent, and shall be presently employed in such capacity. Class C Members shall have all the privileges of the Association, except those of voting and holding office.

B.1.6 – Class E – Educator
To qualify for Class E Membership, an applicant must be an educator or extension officer. Class E Members shall have such privileges of the Association as the Board of Directors may specify by Standing Rules, except those of voting and holding office. Educator members will pay no membership dues.

B.1.7 – Class F – Affiliate
To qualify for Affiliate Membership, an applicant must be an individual, business firm or governmental body interested in golf course management and/or in the growing or production of fine turfgrass, either individually or through employment by, or other affiliation with, a company, proprietorship or association, and who does not qualify for membership in another class. Affiliate Members shall have such privileges of the Association as the Board of Directors may specify by Standing Rules, except those of voting and holding office.

B.1.8 – Facility Outreach
To qualify for Facility Outreach membership, an applicant must currently be participating in the Technical Assistance Network or have been a former participant of the program. Membership will be issued in the facility’s name with one representative assigned as the recipient of the benefits. The membership representative will be entitled to the same benefits as Affiliate Company membership.

B.1.9 – Associate
To qualify for Associate Membership, an applicant must be employed at a golf course and does not qualify for membership under the Class A, Class B or Class C Bylaws definition. Associate Members shall have such privileges of the Association as the Board of Directors may specify by Standing Rules, except those of voting and holding office.

B.1.10 – Student
To qualify for Student Membership, an applicant must be a full-time turfgrass student enrolled in a formal course of education, or have completed his or her formal education less than one (1) year prior to the date of application for membership and have not become employed at a golf course. Student Members shall have such privileges of the Association as the Board of Directors may specify by Standing Rules, except those of voting and holding office.

B.1.11 – Retired
To qualify for Retired Membership, one must be retired and no longer seeking employment within the scope of activities of any membership class of the Association. An applicant may apply to the Board of Directors in writing for Retired Membership, the annual dues for which shall be set by the Board of Directors but shall not exceed half the amount paid for the classification in which the member retires. There are two options for retirement: (1) Any member reaching age fifty-five (55), may retire and shall have all the privileges of the Association afforded the member in his or her immediate previous classification, with the exception of holding office; or (2) Any member having completed a minimum of twenty (20) years of service in any membership classification may retire in that classification and shall have all of the privileges of the Association afforded that classification, with the exception of holding office. Retired members will pay no membership dues.

B.1.12 – Inactive
An Inactive Member is an individual who, by reason of unemployment, illness or other adverse circumstances, has been placed in this class upon his or her application. The Board of Directors shall have the authority to act on such application and to place a member on Inactive status subject to terms and conditions as the Board of Directors may specify by Standing Rules.
Section B.2 – Reclassification of members

B.2.1 – Voluntary reclassification
Any individual member may request a change in his or her membership classification in accord with a change in his or her qualifications for membership.

B.2.2 – Mandatory reclassification.
All members, upon renewal of their annual membership, must clearly state their current employment status. This statement of employment status shall be based upon the Association’s officially accepted job titles and golf course organization chart, or other commonly accepted listings of job titles.


Section A.1 – Nomination Committee
The Nominating Committee as assigned and directed by the Board will present to the membership not less than 30 days prior to the annual meeting a slate of qualified candidates. The Board may elect not to assign a nominating committee and select candidates from the floor as directed in section A.2 of this article.

Section A.2 – Floor Nominations
Nominations may be made from the floor by any voting member in good standing at the annual meeting. Each candidate for office will be permitted a nominating speech and seconding speech on his behalf.

Section A.3 – Elections
The election of officers shall be held at the Annual Meeting of the Association, and shall be conducted with a show of hands or written ballots and are to be counted by current Board. The results of the Annual Election shall be posted by the current Secretary.

Section A.4 – Eligibility of Current Board Members
Current members of the Board are eligible for office provided they still qualify under the provisions of their membership class and they have received the proper nomination.


Section A.1 – Annual Meeting
The Annual Meeting of the Association shall generally be held on the fourth Tuesday in November, at a place to be determined by the Board. Notice of this Annual Meeting shall be printed in the Newsletter at least thirty (30) days before the date of the meeting. The primary purpose of the Annual Meeting is to elect officers, establish sub-committees, review the finances of the Association and finalize old and new business.

Section A.2 – Regular Association Meetings
Regular meetings of the Association shall generally be held on the fourth Tuesday of each month, from March through October, at a place to be designated by the Board. Meeting times and agendas will be determined by the Board.

Section A.3 – Order of Business of Regular Association Meetings
Order of business at the regular Association meeting shall be as follows: Call to order, education program, reading of the unapproved minutes of regular meetings, reports of committees, Treasurer’s report, correspondence, unfinished business, Golf Course Superintendents Association of America business, new business, golf awards, and adjournment, unless changed by the President.

Section A.4 – Special Association Meetings
Special meetings of the Association shall be called by the President, acting on behalf of the Board, or upon the written application of not less than fifteen (15) members, in good standing, and filed with the Secretary. A Special meeting shall be held at a time and place to be determined by the Board. A notice giving the time and place of the meeting and stating the nature of the business to be transacted, shall be mailed by the Secretary to each member of the Association at least seven (7) days prior to the meeting and at such meeting no other business than that stated may be transacted.

Section A.5 – Quorum of Association Meetings
Ten (10) of the voting members of the Association represented in person shall constitute a quorum at any meeting, but less than that number may adjourn the meeting to a fixed date without further notice.

Section A.6 – Regular Board of Directors Meeting
Regular meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held at a place to be designated by the President, and on such dates and times as shall be designated.

Section A.7- Sub Committee Meetings
Sub Committee Meetings shall be held on call of the President acting on his own initiative or upon written request of the Board.

Section A.8 – Parliamentary Rules
In the conduct of all meetings, either Membership or Directors, “Roberts’ Rules of Order” shall govern.


Section A.1 – Annual Dues
The annual dues for each class of membership for the year shall be determined by the Board not later than January 31st of that year.

Section A.2 – Assessments
Assessments may be levied against dues paying members in an amount determined as needed by the Board but not to exceed the annual dues during the current fiscal year. They shall not be levied more than once in any fiscal year.

Section A.3 – Dues Payment
All Association dues are due by the first meeting of the year. The Treasurer shall send a statement to every member who is past due. Those members not paid in full by the second meeting of the year, may, at the discretion of the Board, be dropped from the Association. Applicants for membership after the first meeting may join upon the approval of the Board but there will be no pro-rating of membership dues.

Section A.4 – Benevolence & Scholarship Fund
A Benevolence Fund and Scholarship Fund shall be allocated annually to support the objective of the Association as stated in our Association’s purpose. These funds will be allocated from the general fund.


Section A.1 – Delinquency
All members with dues or assessments past due more than ninety (90) days, shall be suspended from the Association without necessity of notice of such suspension, all rights and privileges of the Association will also be revoked.

Section A.2 – Extension
The Board may, at their discretion, for good cause shown and assigned in writing, temporarily excuse or extend time of payments of annual dues or assessments for any member who from ill health, advanced age or other good cause shall be unable to make payment within the time fixed. Such members shall retain their present class of membership. The Directors shall review such cases annually and act on same for the coming year.

Section A.3 – Reinstatement
Any person expelled for non-payment of dues or assessments, upon application made in regular form, may be restored to good standing upon the showing of qualifications of continuation of membership herein as in cases of original applications for members and upon payment of current dues, plus a penalty of one (1) years dues.

Section A.4 – Resignations
A.4.1 Any member wishing to withdraw from the Association must submit to the Secretary a resignation, in writing, which shall be effective only as of the date accepted by the Board.
A.4.2 No Resignation of any member indebted to the Association shall be accepted until he has paid his Association obligations in full.
A.4.3 Any member, who has resigned or been expelled for cause, other than non-payment of dues, may after the expiration of one (1) year from the date of said resignation or expulsion, apply for restoration of membership herein.


Section A.1 – Formulation
All Association rules governing members, guests, officers, committees and employees shall be formulated by the Board in cooperation with various standing and other committees.

Section A.2 – Publications
Copies of all the Rules shall be mailed to all members, and the Secretary shall distribute such copies together with copies of these by-laws and any and all future amendments, to all members of the Association.

Section A.3 – Conduct of Members
Conduct that is prohibited shall be cause for disciplinary action or expulsion from the Association as the procedure is set forth in these by-laws. The following conduct is prohibited for members of the Association:

A.3.1 Violations of the Association’s Rules, by-laws, or Code of Ethics.
A.3.2 Use of the Association’s affiliation for the purpose of promoting schemes, ideas or objects that are detrimental to the Association or its members.
A.3.3 Conduct unbecoming of a member of the Association.

Section A.4 – Complaint
Any complaint made by a member regarding the conduct of another member or guest, or the conduct or performance of any Officer, Director, Committee Member, or any employee of the Association, or regarding any phase of the operation of any Association facility, shall be submitted in writing by such complaining member to the Secretary, who shall transmit it to the Board for final decision and disposition.

Section A.5 – Appeal
Any member shall have the right to appeal to the Board the decisions of any committee with respect to its’ interpretation and enforcement of any Rule or by-law, and the Board’s decision in all matters shall be final.


Section A – By-Law Amendments
These by-laws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the voting members represented, in person, at any meeting of the Association provided that the proposed Amendment or Amendments shall be posted at least fifteen (15) days prior to the meeting at which the Amendments or Amendments are considered, and providing a copy of each proposed Amendment shall have been mailed to each member. These restrictions shall not apply to the amending of a Proposed Amendment when being acted upon by the Association and its meetings.


The primary objective of the Code of Ethics is to establish respect and honor among our members. Observance of the Code of Ethics is mandatory. Failure to abide by the code will not only be cause for disciplinary action to be taken but would serve to undermine the professional standards that we and those who have gone before us have struggled to establish. By following this code, which is borrowed from the Golf Course Superintendents Association of America (GCSAA), we will create a solid and strong organization which serves the common goals of ESAGCS, the GCSAA and all turfgrass professionals.

As a member of the Eastern Shore Association of Golf Course Superintendents of America, I pledge myself to:

  1. Recognize and discharge all my responsibilities and duties in such a fashion as to be a credit to this Association and profession.
  2. Practice and insist on sound business and turf management principles exercising the responsibilities of my position.
  3. Utilize every opportunity to expand my professional knowledge in order to improve myself, my industry and my profession.
  4. Maintain the highest standards of personal conduct to reflect and add to the stature of the profession of Golf Course Superintendent.
  5. Base endorsements, either written or verbal, by means of any medium, strictly upon satisfactory personal experiences within the item identified.
  6. Refrain from encouraging or accepting considerations of any value without the express understanding of all parties that said consideration is available to all in similar circumstances, and that no actions shall be forthcoming as a result of acceptance.
  7. Recognize and observe the highest standards of integrity in my relationships with fellow golf course superintendents and others associated with this profession and industry.
  8. Assist my fellow superintendents in all ways consistent with my abilities.
  9. Abstain from the untruthful debasement of, or encroachment upon, the professional reputation or practice of another superintendent.
  10. Lend my support to, and actively participate in, the efforts of my local chapter and National Association to improve public understanding and recognition of the profession of golf course management.
  11. Abstain from unfair exploitation of my Association, industry or profession.
  12. Present information and participate as a witness voluntarily in all proceedings to which there exists evidence of a violation of this Code of Ethics.

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