

ESAGCS Member,

We are pleased to announce two scholarship opportunities promoted by the ESAGCS. Over the years our organization has helped over 80 students pursue their career in the turf management industry. The mission of the ESAGCS has always been to develop and support the advancement of professionals in the turf management industry. The Mike Gilmore Scholarship is a shining example of the philanthropy of our organization.  Applications for the Mike Gilmore Scholarship can be found on the highlighted scholarship tab below.

In addition to the Mike Gilmore Scholarship, we are once again promoting the Drew Smith Memorial scholarship. The Drew Smith Memorial Scholarship was established and funded by the Eastern Shore Association of Golf Course Superintendents in 2004. This scholarship is intended for a local student with a passion for the golf industry and seeking education in turf grass management. The Community Foundation of the Eastern Shore holds the funds for and manages the distribution. Applications for the Drew Smith Memorial Scholarship can be found on the highlighted scholarship tab below and at CFES.org

We invite everyone to encourage staff members who are currently enrolled at a qualifying university or college that are seeking a career in turf management to apply for this year’s scholarship. To qualify, the applicant must complete the application and include the mailing address of the admissions office of the school they will be attending. Please encourage the applicants to be as thorough as possible and to include additional relevant information. They may also attach additional typewritten sheets if the space allotted on the application is not sufficient. Please email all completed applications to the ESAGCS at admin@esagcs.org.

Please note that applications for both scholarships are due by April 1, 2024, scholarship recipients will be notified of scholarship awards by June 1, 2024.  The application process can be found on our webpage under “Scholarship” in the top tool bar. Any questions can be directed to the ESAGCS at admin@esagcs.org. We look forward to receiving applications from the next generation of managers in the turf grass industry!

2024 Mike Gilmore Scholarship Application

2024 Drew Smith Scholarship Application

We look forward to receiving applications from our future turfgrass managers and urge you to encourage your staff to continue their education and pursue a career in the golf course turfgrass industry.


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Eastern Shore Association of Golf Course Superintendents

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