Featured News & Events
Match Play
ESAGCS Donates 11K to Believe in Tomorrow Children’s Foundation

President Derek Haley and Secretary John Bartlett present the Believe in Tomorrow Children’s House with a donation. Proceeds were raised during the ESAGCS annual silent auction and crab feast. Thank you to all our superintendents and vendors that made this donation possible!
2024 President’s Letter
Dear ESAGCS Members,
The ESAGCS Board of Directors has been working hard to reserve great facilities and speakers for our upcoming 2024 Schedule. We appreciate the continued support from our vendors, members, as well as the golf courses that will be hosting us this year!
The ESAGCS Board of Directors has decided to implement dues increase to all membership categories. This is the first dues increase since 2016. All dues will be sent out this week. The 2024 membership dues will be:
- Affiliate $125
- Superintendent $125
- Assistant Superintendent $85
- Equipment Manager $85
We encourage all members to mark your calendars and sign up early for this season’s meetings, as our participation is key to making these events a success. We will be adding a season opening happy hour kickoff party on March 26th at J.D Shuckers in Georgetown, DE. (See attached) This event is sponsored by our 2024 Eagle Sponsors. Another exciting event will be this year’s Member Guest which will be held at The Peninsula. John and Todd will be working hard on this event to make this our premier event! The full schedule of events for the 2024 season will be released by the end of the week.
We encourage all our members to register and sign up for monthly events through the website. www.esagcs.org Everyone will sign up under the “Monthly Meetings” tab on our homepage. The 2024 events schedule and sign-up page will be updated on the website by the end of the week. If you are not able to attend a meeting, please consider sending your assistant or equipment manager. We want to get all areas of our association involved.
If you have any issues or questions regarding registering or payment on our esagcs.org website, please contact our Executive Administrative Secretary, John Bartlett at admin@esagcs.org.
Lastly, if any of your information has changed, please fill out a membership application form off the website with all updated contact information. This will help us update our member directory.
I thank every member and sponsor for their continued support of our organization, and I look forward to seeing everyone at our 2024 meetings!
Derek Haley
ESAGCS President