
July Meeting Recap and Golf Results

Superintendent Tom King and Green Hill CC were the hosts for our June ESAGCS meeting. We were pleased to have Steve McDonald of Turfgrass Disease Solutions on hand to go over what his observations from late 2014 and early 2015. Here is a recap of the event –


Steve McDonald – Winter kill was one of the major issues facing superintendents in the region this year.  Steve observed winter kill on cool season turf in northern regions and warm season turf in our own area.  Steve highlighted all of the factors that contribute to this issue and educated the group on ways to prevent losing turf in the winter.  Steve also talked about the spring and summer weeds and sedges that can take over a golf course if nothing is done to combat the infestations.  Overall the talk was very informative.  We appreciate Steve for coming out to talk to the group.


July marks the final round of the ESAGCS championship series. Groups played individual stroke play.  Here are the results:

Stroke Play:

Gross Division

1st place: Cody Beckley 78

Net Division

1st place: Todd Cowing 78

Closest to the pin

#4 – Mike Pyne

#8 – Pat Riebe

#11 – Mark Nauman

# 14 – Kevin Smith

Long Drive

Mike Pyne

A special thanks to host Tom King and staff. We appreciate the hospitality!

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