
Match Play Championship

16 teams will square off in four rounds to see who will be crowned Champions of the 2nd edition of the ESAGCS Match Play Championship Presented by Syngenta!

This is a great event for networking with fellow ESAGCS members along with mixing in friendly competition and great prizes.

Teams are responsible for arranging the date, site and completion of each match and reporting the results. The winners advance to the next round and losers are eliminated from the competition. Winners will be crowned Champions at the Fall Turfgrass Conference.

You Must Have A Verifiable Handicap!

Entry Fees and Member Dues must be Paid by
March 31, 2020

You must be able to produce a verifiable handicap upon request from your playing opponents. If you are unable to produce a verifiable handicap, your opponents have the right to require you to play as a “0”. See official rules for additional details.

Prizes (Visa Gift Cards – Split Between Teammates)
1st: $500
2nd: $250
3rd: $200
4th: $200

Questions? Contact 

Todd Cowing


Danielle Haley


Email Danielle Haley at admin@esagcs.org to register.

  • Individual Registration / Separate Pay – $25.00

Register as an individual if you do not have a teammate and would like to be paired up with another individual. Indicate NEED PARTNER in your email.

OR if you have a partner and would like to pay separately, please indicate your partner’s name in the email and a separate invoice will be sent to your partner.

  • Team Registration – $50.00

Register as a Team and pay for both players. Please indicate your teammate’s name in the email.

Eagle Partners

Site One LandscapeEnvuHarrell’sFinch TurfPlant Food CompanyTurf Equipment and Supply CompanyLawn & Golf Supply CompanyHelenaGenesisLandscape Supply

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